Get the front pages from over 6,000 publications in over 125 countries.
Title pages from newspapers give a good impression of what matters in a country at a certain point in time.
On the right you see examples of today's papers of the New York Post and The Australian.
See the full documentation of the newspaper front pages API.
World News API clusters thousands of news per country allowing you to retrieve the most relevant headlines from any country on any date.
Here's today's top 5 headlines from the United States
See the full documentation of the breaking news API.
The News API searches through thousands of news outlets world wide allowing you to get multiple views on the same issue. News is indexed in real time so you will get breaking news in the API as well as historic data.
News texts often mention locations such as cities, neighborhoods, or points of interest. We tag these locations which allows you to search for news that mention any location within a certain area.
Semantic search allows you to find entities without caring about the exact spelling or synonyms used. For example, finding news about the USA you can search for Location:USA and all news mentioning the USA will be returned, no matter if they talk about the "US", the "United States" or the "United States of America".
You can also search for pure text matches, phrases, or exclude words from your search.
We index news in over 86 languages from over 210 countries. With simple country and language filters you can limit your search to the exact country and language. For example, you could search for Spanish news that originate in the USA or French news from Canada.
Combining country filter with other parameters allows you to dig really deep into the news coverage, e.g. you could compare news about a polarizing topic from different countries.
See the full list of available countries.
Relevance of news is often short lived but new coverage is always in the context of what happened before. The API allows you to filter news by publish time to analyze content over time, for example, to detect shifts in opinions or amounts of news coverage of a certain topic over time.
News items (currently limited to English and German) are analyzed with AI trained sentiment classifiers assigning each news an overall value between -1 (negative) and +1 (positive).
text=covid-19 OR corona
text="Elon Musk" -tesla
author=Phil Hutchinson
First get the geo coordinates (latitude and longitude of London)
location=London, UK
Now get the news with the coordinates 15km around London.
See the docs for full functionality.
Draw a circle on the map to search for news mentioning any location within that circle.
Search news by queries and filter them down.
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